from yesterday onwards,after like 10 something,it'll automatically become ERROR ,but other people still can access,which is kinda cool and uncool in the same time.
So,my cbox wasn't working sorry guuys but no worries,I CHANGED IT :D
now go spaaaaaam it :)
In my opinion,the only PERFECT hollywood couple is ZAC EFRON and VANESSA HUDGENS.honestly,i don't like them individually,but their pass relationship is sooooo cute.
and the only disney stars that me likey is ASHLEY TISDALE,HILLARY DUFF and BRENDA SONG :)

before i go,
i will always love that kid named Justin Bieber no matter he's dating selena or celena or kelena or delena or gelena or felena or helena or lelena or melena or nelena or pelena or relena or telena or velena or welena or zelena or banana ;)
i will always love that kid named Justin Bieber no matter he's dating selena or celena or kelena or delena or gelena or felena or helena or lelena or melena or nelena or pelena or relena or telena or velena or welena or zelena or banana ;)